Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Ang Moh Pai???

Many Singaporean does not like Caucasians. Face it. It is a true fact. Here's the next fact: many Singaporeans do not like them because they have seen too many of them showing off how much money they have.

Why, though?

Throughout my 12 years of life in Singapore, I noticed that Singaporeans tend to be stereotypical. A few examples would include:

Ang Moh= Show Off
Neighbourhood School= Pai Kia(misbehaving pupils)
Simple Clothes= Poor

I will be focusing on the Caucasians. Why do people feel so distant from them even though they may be born in Singapore? I must admit, I felt that way too until today...

Scene: City Hall Interchange

It is the peak hour and everybody is squeezing into the train that just arrived. By accident, 4 HCI boys accidentally hit a really tall Caucasian.

Xavier: Sorry
Xuyi: Are you ok?
Caucasian:(pleasantly)It's ok. It's like rugby players shoving each other almost every other day.
Jian Shun: At least we don't have to worry if any of us falls down

We laugh merrily...

(Caucasian says goodbye to us before alighting at Bugis.)

That simple meeting left a deep impression on me. We aren't that so different after all. We're all humans. We need friends. We have our own needs. Ang Moh Pai? White American? African American? Nah. To me, now we're all the same. And that's how the world should be.


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