Thursday, January 29, 2009

In Your Own Words(blog prompt)


Admit it. You love processed food. You love luncheon meat, hot dogs and ham for their irresistible aroma and saltiness.

Who doesn't?

I must say, I'm no angel myself. I like processed food. Like more than half of the raging population on Earth, I know processed food is bad for me but I will still eat hot dogs, luncheon meat and ham all the same. Yes, that is the reason why so many people are obese these days. But still, processed food is the most liked food item in my household(or in any household) simply because it is processed food. It is easy to cook, tastes nice, and saves a lot of time on washing the stock-pot. And that is why we must resist this seemingly irresistible temptation.

Here's my daily diet(on the average):

Breakfast: Mostly bread, sometimes cake.

Recess: Bee Hoon, maybe rice with dishes(sometimes with a bit of processed food)

Lunch: Light stuff as I would have training in the afternoon

Dinner(home cooked): 1 plate of meat, vegetables respectively, and a bowl of soup.

I know it is not that fantastic, if you take into the consideration the sometimes splurge on unhealthy food. And that is why the decision for change.

The ideal diet:

Breakfast: As usual

Recess: Sometimes, if I'm hungry, bee hoon, if not, light stuff

Lunch: As per normal

Dinner: As per normal

As you can can see, a small change in a recess diet can mean a lot of changes. And that is why I am going to try real hard to follow this ideal diet. Moderation. That is what i am going to try very hard to achieve.


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