Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Task 2- LA E-Learning

America did not foresee
Green, pink, purple and other colors death potpourri!
Expecting others to pay a high price.
Now thinking twice?
Toll on the innocent and unborn.

Omnipotent and disregarding who will mourn.
Reflective about all the illness, birth defects and prematurely dead.
All the deceit continues to spread.
Nefariously America led astray -
Generations untold WILL pay -
Execrable effects of agent orange spray!

By Hubert Wilson

1. Point Of View

The poet has close contact with Agent Orange. This can be seen through the phrase "America did not forsee". the fact that he knows something that his country did not forsee shows that he has contact with Agent Orange. Also, only if he has contact, or even close contact, would he know of the "Execrable effects of agent orange spray!". The poet is angry about the "illness, birth defects and prematurely dead" people Agent Orange spray has caused, knowing that "Generations untold WILL pay".

2. Situation and setting

The setting may be during the war, or after the war, but we know that it is definitely after Agent Orange has been used, which is why the poet states that "America did not forsee" the horrific effects it would have on the victims, such as " Illness", "birth defects". We know that America is the one at fault from "America did not forsee", and the poet is very emotional about the mistakes that the Americans have made. He may be feeling guilty as well because he was with the Americans. He knows that this big mistake that the Americans have made will cause "generations untold" to make up and pay for their mistakes.

3. language/ diction

The title of this poem is a oxymoron, "Rainbow Death". Rainbows are commonly associated with "the calm after the storm", "Beauty", "serenity", and related "peaceful" words. However, death is commonly associated with darkness, gloom and sadness. So in this case, Rainbow does not refer to the real rainbow but rather, the series of "Rainbow Herbicides" that were used during the Vietnam War, "Agent Orange", "Agent Purple" and "Agent Green" being a few of them. Therefore we can say that "Rainbow Death" is a assortment to killer herbicides that leaves nothing but death in its wake.The poet uses " death potpourri". potpourri means a mixture of dried flowers and leaves used to make a room smell nice. "death potpourri" is an oxymoron because death is not associated with pleasant smells.

4. Personal Response

In this poem, the poet does not introduce the subject of his poem- Agent Orange, straightaway. Instead, he tells me about the unforseen and horrific effects the culprit had on humans. He tells me that America had made a mistake in using this unknown object and causes me to feel uncomfortable hearing him describe the culprit. He succeeds in conveying his message that Agent Orange is a terrible weapon that America made a mistake in using, and that future generations must pay for this costly mistake

Task 1- LA E-Learning

Rainbow of Death

America did not foresee
Green, pink, purple and other colors death potpourri!
Expecting others to pay a high price.
Now thinking twice?
Toll on the innocent and unborn.

Omnipotent and disregarding who will mourn.
Reflective about all the illness, birth defects and prematurely dead.
All the deceit continues to spread.
Nefariously America led astray -
Generations untold WILL pay -
Execrable effects of agent orange spray!

By Hubert Wilson

Hubert Wilson
- US Vietnam War veteran who served in the USAF Security Service

- After the war he experienced health problems like:
- Severe headaches
- Progressive limb pain

- Doctors said that it was due to him drinking water contaminated by Agent Orange

Agent Orange
- Agent Orange is a code-name for a herbicide and defoilant contaminated with TCDD(2,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzodioxin), used by the US Army in its herbicide warfare during the Vietnam War

- According to Vietnamese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 4.8 million Vietnamese were exposed to Agent Orange, resulting in 400 000 deaths and disabilities, and 500 000 children born with defects.

- From 1961 to 1971, Agent Orange was the most commonly used 'Rainbow Herbicides", which includes Agent White, Agent Blue,

- Agent orange is reported to cause serious skin problems as well as numerous cancers such as in the lung and larynx. Children in the areas where Agent Orange was used have been affected and have multiple health problems including cleft palate, mental disabilities, hernias and extra digits

Sunday, May 9, 2010

"Oh man, Xavier are you gonna insult me religion again?"

Well, not really. Now this video shows *interval* you know what, just watch the video. I congratulate you if you get past one and a half minute.

This, in the best non-vulgar way I can possibly can, is, well, pigheadedness. I'm not insulting the religious boy who devotes his life to Christ and then mocks his classmate every time he has the chance, I'm just voicing my opinion .

Christian side hugs. The best method to stay a kilometre away from sin, the way to get everybody to love you for being ever-so-dedicated to christ. Nah, you wish.

So, basically, these group of teenagers with nothing better to do have decided that front hugs are immoral, they cause sexual urges blah blah blah, thus we should give everybody we know a side hug, and we should not kiss as well. Okay I get it. We're trying to prevent sin, right. Let's go for it then. We humans have already sinned too much. OH... wait a second. "I ain't that scared to call your momma, you'll be riding home in a coma". Really?! A COMA?! Did I hear you correctly? So you angels are saving all our tarnished souls, but you're willing to betray your friend and knock him into severe consciousness, so much that he has to enter the nearest hospital ward? Amazing, seriously. Your sense of camaraderie is simply astounding.

So, my group of Christian-side-hug friends, I suggest you Christian-side-hug your future partners. Oh wait, they don't want you? Never mind. Well I suggest you Christian-side-hug your Grandma the next time you visit her and see if she gives you a Christian-side-hugs you back with the side of her frying pan.

Really, where are all these confusing idealogies coming from? Are their priests too boring for them? Did they get bullied too much in middle school until they read too much into the Bible? I don't know, and I would be surprised if you did. Yes you, my Holy friend.

So, what do you think of this amazing phenomenon guys? Leave your creative and interesting thoughts in the comment section, BELOW.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Don't hate the Policeman, hate the Law

Headline news. A kid who is not even old enough to watch NC16 movies gets shot by a policeman while trying to escape, mainly because he was driving his dad's car and that is obviously against the law. Now let me foremost say that my sympathies extend to the poor chap who shot the kid. First of all, it must be on his conscience. Secondly, this should be worsened by all the media frenzy, with everybody saying " Man, he was just a kid? Did you really have to do that?". However, I shall provide a two-sided argument here.

Firstly, let us see this matter from the parent's and critics' POV. Obviously, it was too harsh a action. Even first class maniacs and murderers don't get killed before their trials, right? Furthermore, it was a KID driving a car. Hardly red-alert. All the policeman had to do was order him to stop or chase after him. Why in the world did he have to KILL him?

Now, let us see this in the policeman's POV. the policeman was just doing his job. Why do you have to blame HIM? furthermore, if the kid had done nothing wrong, there was no need to escape from the policeman in the first place. What was the policeman to think? Obviously the kid had done something wrong and therefore tried. Also, it's not as if it's a hidden fact that Malaysia is "spammed" with criminals, from robbers with guns to gangsters with parangs. Obviously, for the safety of the rest of the population, our dear friend had no choice to do what he thought was his duty. I'm sure that although he IS a policeman, he does not love violence. So go easy on him and stop the criticism

Saturday, May 1, 2010

I Just Can't Take It Anymore

The air is thinner than a ruffle chip, those sold in humongous bags that epically fail in their message "man, such a big big for only two bucks?"; it is so palpable that you could just rub it between your forefinger and thumb, and it would tear straightaway. The air is silent and the whirring of fans seems like the noise that helicopters make; yet, you still feel hot and frustrated. There is no outburst of agony nor anguish nor plain fury here. No. These emotions are simply sealed in a bottle and someday, when you're unaware the seal will loosen a bit, in the darkest abysses of your mind, and haunt you. The contents of this bottle will dominate your mind, your spiritual being, and will go on to affect the future generations living this this meaningless fast-paced world.

Years later you visit a typical psychiatrist, but deep down, it's oh-so-clear to you that you are simply wasting your time, paying money with plenty of zeroes in it to these fat men who are actually merely highly-educated con-men, but their ronald-macdonald-like smiles help to cover the fact that all your "therapy sessions" are made up of obscure six-syllable words that these con-men like to use, partly because of the pompous clout it gives them, partly because they have earned the right to do so. Your conscience knows this but you simply want to fool yourself that i-really-want-to-break-out-of-this-vicious-cycle and maybe telling yourself don't worry this is all part of the healing process and I must persevere with this and boy oh boy I would have transcended it by the time my bank account has half the money there should have been, my depression is already more or less solved and i can go on with my life being a happy person, and you purposely overlook the fact you must take a daily dose of god-knows-what.

The air is still and there you are, typing furiously at the computer, your glasses slipping off your nose, your vision is blurring, but you cant stop partly because you are afraid of the teachers' might, and partly because your parents will start their stupid interrogating again when you try to sleep. Oh look, you can already hearing them complain and lament at their misfortune of having such a lousy son. It pierces your soul but you just shut the **** up because you know that would make matters even worse, but in your head you are crying and screaming in hurt and pleading for them to shut their trap. I've got goddamn problems of my own without you exponentially increasing my misery, I've been slaving my ass off, working till the wee hours but you just don't try to understand and simply assume that when I come home late it's because I was gallivanting at some mall while I've been doing assignments just within a damned breadth of the deadlines I'm just a slow learner and you know it yet you send me to a elite school and complain that I'm wasting your money. I've had so few hours of sleep and it is a struggle to stay awake, let alone subject my ears to your hurting words and abusive tone, and you drop another bombshell and my world is fading my vision is blurring once again, the fatigue can't defeat the fear and i just feel like completing my work just for the sake of it and the kid typing furiously at the computer, silently crying, you can't think anymore.