Thursday, June 4, 2009

Book Review
Book Read: Digital Fortress by Dan Brown
One of the many lessons I learnt from this story is never to trust anybody too much, even if it’s your closest friend or anybody you have known. In the story, Susan trusted Commander Strathmore as she believed him for the patriotic genius that he was, but little did she know that Strathmore also had an ulterior motive: to get rid of her fiancé, David, so that he could be with her as he secretly loved her. Also, he didn’t tell her that so many murders would be involved in the plan to decrypt Digital Fortress. Susan only helped Strathmore as she believed that his plan would help NSA. If she knew that Strathmore was so heartless and selfish, there is no doubt that she wouldn’t have helped him.

There are many differences between the two cryptographers, Greg Hale and Susan Fletcher. Greg Hale was involved in many petty crimes when he was young despite being a computer genius. When Strathmore wrote a back door in a program that the NSA created so that they would have full access to any forms of online communication, Greg Hale discovered it and announced it to the whole country, causing NSA to come under heavy scrutiny from the EFF. The NSA then immediately hired him, figuring that it would be better if he worked for them Greg is a showoff, not afraid to sow that he has a solid salary, buying al the latest gadgets. On the other hand, Susan is a somewhat studious woman, who was hired into NSA based on merit. She is conservative and unlike Greg, she doesn’t like showing off her wealth. She drives a simple Volvo and believes firmly in the work of NSA, unlike Greg.

In my opinion, the climax of the story would be the last part of the story where Jabba, Midge, Chad, Susan and Fontaine were in the command cenrtre of the NSA main databank trying to get rid of the “worm”. Although many other parts of the sory may seem like the climax, I feel that this part should be the climax as this is where the NSA’s fate will be decided. Will the long-dead Ensei Tankado win the battle, or will they get the pass-key in time? That is what makes the book such a good read.

I would have to say that I rather like the title of the book as I feel that it has the “two-meaning” thing. Firstly, Digital Fortress is the name of the algorithm that caused all the trouble at the Puzzle Palace (NSA’s Crypto), and secondly, Crypto, where many important events happened, is a “digital fortress” also. So, I think it’s a rather clever titleJ

All in all, I think Digital Fortress is a good read and I would definitely recommend it to all of you:D


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