Continued from my previous post ( information all from
Monarch Programming
As seen in previous articles, Monarch Programming is a mind control technique used mostly on children to make them dissociate from reality.
“One of the primary reasons that the Monarch mind-control programming was named Monarch programming was because of the Monarch butterfly. The Monarch butterfly learns where it was born (its roots) and it passes this knowledge via genetics on to its offspring (from generation to generation). This was one of the key animals that tipped scientists off, that knowledge can be passed genetically.
The primary important factor for the trauma-based mind-control is the ability to disassociate. It was discovered that this ability is passed genetically from generation to generation. American Indian tribes (who had traumatic ritual dances and who would wait motionless for hours when hunting), children of Fakirs in India (who would sleep on a bed of nails or walk on hot coals), children of Yogis (those skilled in Yoga, who would have total control over their body in trance), Tibetan Buddhists, children of Vodoun, Bizango and other groups have a good ability to disassociate.
The children of multigenerational abuse are also good at dissociation. The Illuminati families and European occultists went to India, and Tibet to study occultism and eastern philosophy. These Europeans learned yoga, tantric yoga, meditations, and trances and other methods to disassociate. These skills are passed on to their children via genetics. A test is run when the children are about 18 months old to determine if they can dissociate enough to be selected for programming or not.”
-The Illuminati Formula Used to Create an Undetectable Total Mind Controlled Slave
During sexual abuse, electroshock therapy and all kinds of sadistic tortures, mind control slaves are encouraged to dissociate from reality and to go to “a happy place”. The use of fairy tale imagery is used to reinforce programming and to create an alternate reality. The victim’s brain, in self-preservation mode, creates a new persona (an “alter”) as a defense mechanism to the abuse. The blurring of the lines between reality and fantasy makes the slave totally oblivious of his/her true state.
Brick by Boring Brick
Paramore’s song is, at face value, about a girl escaping her problems and acting childish only to realize that it makes things worse. Behind this first degree meaning, lies a second layer of interpretation: the song describes, in chilling detail, the reality of a mind control slave. The video manages to assemble all of the symbolism usually associated with Monarch Programming in about 3 minutes, leaving no doubt concerning the meaning of the song.
Right from the start of the video, the subject matter of the song is made very clear. The setting is totally unreal and synthetically created. A little girl, apparently a child version of the singer Hayley, runs towards a strange world, bearing monarch butterfly wings on her back. This can easily symbolize the fact that she is a Monarch slave. She almost reluctantly enters a symbolic gateway, representing the start of her dissociative state. The door violently shuts down behind her, which hints the viewers to the fact that this wonderland is forcibly induced on the child. The lyrics of the first verse describe the reality of the slave.
Well she lives in the fairy tale
Somewhere too far for us to find
Forgotten the taste and smell
Of a world that she’s left behind
It’s all about the exposure the lens I told her
The angles are all wrong now
She’s ripping wings off of butterflies
The girl lives in a “fairy tale”, which is her dissociative mind state. It is “too far for us to find” due to the fact that this world can only be found in the confines of her consciousness. The slave has been removed from her family and the real world to live in a confined environment. She has “forgotten the taste and smell” of the the “real world” she has left behind. She lives in a prison for kids, a human rat laboratory and she is constantly manipulated by her handlers. All of her senses are subject to constant pressure and pain and her perception of reality is completely distorted. “The angles are all wrong now“. She is a Monarch slave and is thus “ripping wings off of butterflies”.
Keep your feet on the ground
When your head’s in the clouds
The dissociative state experienced by Monarch slaves is often described as a sensation of weightlessness. While her feet are on the ground, her consciousness is in an alternate reality or “in the clouds“.
The girl in the video walks around this strange world filled with fairy tale characters which are reminiscent of those found in Alice in Wonderland or the Wizard of Oz, the stories most commonly associated with mind control. The blurriness of the scenes and the presence of mushrooms in the background refer to the use of hallucinogenic drugs during Monarch Programming.
The girl enters a castle, representing her inner consciousness. Mirrors, reflections and the girl’s multiplication symbolize the girl’s fragmented/compartmentalized mind state.
The girl stands still while an independent, alternate personality, looking back at her through the mirror brushes her hair. Mirrors and castles are triggers that are often used in Monarch Programming.
“The premise of trauma-based mind control (a version of which was known as the MK Ultra program) is to compartmentalize the brain, and then use techniques to access the different sections of the brain while the subject is hypnotized. Entire systems can be embedded into a person’s mind, each with its own theme, access codes and trigger words. Some of the most common and popular symbolisms and themes in use are Alice in Wonderland, Peter Pan and The Wizard of Oz, mirrors, porcelain/harlequin masks, the phoenix/phoenix rising, rainbows, butterflies, owls, keys, carousels, puppets/marionettes and dolls,willow trees, tornadoes, spirals/helixes, castles, rings, hallways and doors, elevators and stairs.”
The second verse of the song describes a disturbing reality of Monarch slaves.
So one day he found her crying
Coiled up on the dirty ground
Her prince finally came to save her
And the rest you can figure out
But it was a trick
And the clock struck 12
This is the picture painted by this verse: the slave’s handler enters her “cell”, where she is coiled up and deeply traumatized. The floor is dirty. It has been documented that victims of mind control are forced to live rooms littered with feces (I can’t make this stuff up). Her “prince”, who is in fact her handler, comes in to “save her from her pain”. Handlers are often portrayed as the slave’s savior, who will guide them through traumatic events. The line “And the rest you can figure out” alludes to the worst: the “prince” came to rape her. It was a trick, there was never a prince but only a sadistic handler furthering the girls trauma with sexual abuse. During those repeated assaults, the slaves are forced to dissociate from reality. The lyrics of the song’s bridge aptly define this concept.
Well you built up a world of magic
Because your real life is tragic
Yeah you built up a world of magic
She has built, brick by brick, a wall in her consciousness that dissociates her from reality. She escapes into a world of magic due to the extreme trauma she has to live through on a daily basis.
The Awakening
Probably because the girl’s curiosity concerning her own mind has lead her too far, the world of wonders quickly becomes nightmarish. Creepy puppets make their way out of the mirrors. The characters of her fairy tale world suddenly become terrifying. An evil looking character, dressed as a thief holding an ax, approaches her. Is she being reprimanded by her handlers for “not following the script” of her programming? The girl is understandably freaked out and runs away. The lyrics explain this difference between reality and fiction.
If it’s not real
You can’t hold it in your hand
You can’t feel it with your heart
And I won’t believe it
But if it’s true
You can see it with your eyes
Or even in the dark
And that’s where I want to be, yeah
The girl runs out of the castle and falls into the grave dug by…Paramore? That is not really cool of them. Hayley gets up, throws the girl’s doll into the grave and they start burying her. At face value, this can interpreted as the burial of the “young irresponsible girl” living in a fairy tale. On a second level, this can be seen as the burial of the innocence of a child after living traumatic events.
If you have keen eyes, you can notice a white rabbit inside the hole. Is it the white rabbit of Alice in Wonderland? As Morpheus says in the Matrix:
“You take the red pill – you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes. “
Whatever the meaning one can attribute to the burial, the message of the video is not to sympathetic to the girl’s quest of self-knowledge and emancipation. Seems like they’re saying “This is what you get for trying to know your real self”.
In Conclusion
After viewing the video a couple of times, I’ve asked myself if the song was actually a denunciation of mind control practices. Maybe it is trying to inform and warn people on the subject. So I’ve visited some Paramore-related sites and forums to see if the song has sparked discussions concerning its deeper meaning. I’ve quickly came back to the reality of things: young people listen to this music and they have absolutely NO IDEA of what’s going on. About 97% of educated adults are totally unaware of the existence of mind control (let alone its symbolism), so to expect high schoolers know about this is totally absurd. Here are some actual comments from fans about this song: “I luv the Badabada part!“, “Hayley looks great in blonde!“or “I don’t like the burying part!“.
So with that in mind I keep asking myself: why do we use symbolism and triggers associated with mind control in videos aimed at the young people? They are totally oblivious to the reality of Monarch programming, so why do we expose them to it? After realizing that the group has adopted some of the Illuminati symbolism discussed in previous articles, the answer became very clear: they are part of the System, with a capital “S”. This System hypnotically conditions people to accept mind control as part of their daily lives and the trend is becoming increasingly apparent. I can already hear the naysayers say “nay” to everything and finding ways to rationalize everything that has been discussed here. Maybe they should ponder on those words:
Xavier, why I posted up that link was because it was a JOKE.
Vigilant Citizen is occult itself and a total UNVERIFIED SOURCE
Xavier, you may ignore Foo Tze Han. Vigilant Citizen is an entirely reliable source.
i would like to second hui ming and tell tze han that i myself have read the article and i felt that it made sense, which is why i posted it up. Did you really think that i would post it up just because it was a detailed explanation behind the meaning of the song. Also, i would like to say that just because the whole website and some articles seem occult does not mean that the rest of the articles are
I don't mean any offense, but Vigilant Citizen is a conspiracy website acting as a puppet for i-dont-wish-to-know organization, and that it is time to do a body search on you for occult tatoos if you do believe in what they say.
By the way, every song, even the most innocent of songs, is miscontrued by Vigilant Citizen who serves only to bring stigma to everything. (:
Just a friendly piece of advice: Do try to stay away from these topics. =D
I second Ryan.
Lets leave this as it is. It isnt good to meddle with stuff we arent suppose to meddle with. Right Hui Ming?
erm... well different people have different opinions i guess. And the point about not not having secret hints in conversations?>.<
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