Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Gays and how they are being discriminated

I would like to make this clear from the start that this post is just meant to express my feelings about how gays are being treated in society. No purposeful insults are intended do i have the intention of being superfluous, especially since there is already much discussion about this topic

Let me say for a start that the general parent's talk of gays has always irked and frustrated me, even though they may be good people generally. This is the cliche of the parent's explaination about gays: "They are doing something wrong. These type of people are sick. We should not do things like this"

First of all, Science has proven that gays are, well, gay because of hormonal imbalance. Hence, they might act a bit like girls or have a liking for guys. Because of how society's rules have been slowly set in stone over the years, it is natural to think that boys like girls. Girls like boys. Period. hence because of this, anything or anyone that does not fit into these two "rules" are labeled "weird" or "freaks".

That, I feel, is grossly unfair. Scientists have stated the fact that gays do not have a choice about how they live and way of thinking. But people still say," Eew, gays. Best not to interact with them". Either that or it's "HeeHee, that xxx acts like a sissy. What a joke". I mean, what is their problem?

Two answers. Firstly, religion. The Bible states that God created Adam and Eve, and the animals as well. But He did not create gays. So what, these freaks popped out of nowhere? Also, one of my Christian friends told me that gays should change who they are, try to control themselves. I once again, found this hugely irritating ( though i should not blame my friend). Gays are BORN with this defect, if you could call it one. It is the same as being born with polio or a naturally weak lung. Pray tell me how you can actually CHANGE that??? But I am not dissing my friend here. He is a great guy, it's just that we have different beliefs.

Moving on. Second reason:Culture. It is etched in our minds, it is an accepted thing, our beliefs and the fact that things are the way they are supposed to be. But neither the words"gay" nor "homosexual" are one of the many "things" that are accepted. Perhaps mentioned, but definitely not accepted. But this, like religion, is omething we cannot change. Religion and Culture are the backbone of the whole network, infrastructure and backbone of Humans. We act according to our beliefs, whether they are right or wrong.

But after ranting about this for so long, I am glad to find that changes are slowly being made. Gay marriage is finally allowed in America, and gays there are not as looked down upon as before. The Equality Bill, recently passed down, states that everybody( gays and all) should be equal. Needless to say, the Catholics and Christians weren't too happy about it, but there is still change. And I yearn for these change to spread around the world, and maybe, just maybe, one day, gays, homosexuals ands all, can be finally accepted into our society


Blogger Foo Tze Han said...


You are rather self-contradictory arent you.

February 04, 2010  
Blogger Grady Jason Ng said...

Well Xavier,
If you are for gay marriage and not against it,
I suggest you stop using 'gay' as an insult towards *certain* people.

February 04, 2010  
Blogger Xavier the Confused said...

@ Tze Han, it's called different points of view. anyway, it is true that i feel this is a change, however, i did not say i was satisfied with it
@ grady: Ahem, one does what one can, this blog is not used for private hints or meaning so just be direct

February 04, 2010  
Blogger Jong said...

Really Xavier, when one is gay it's no defect. Its a sin. Unlike polio (cited from your example), people have a choice to have affection for whichever gender. Although I feel equality is valid to some extent, I do not feel that it is right to go against the ways of nature. Humans are made to be above animals, but like any other living organism on Earth, they are still just creatures. Females and males were made for each other and made differently for the purpose of reproduction, to put it crudely. If males were to have intimate relationships with each other it would be defeating the purpose of women on Earth, and vice-versa.

Oh yes, I second Tze Han.

Jong Xuan

February 05, 2010  
Blogger ryan said...

Jong Xuan, correct me if I am wrong, but I get the impression that you are implying women only exist to make babies and live obsequiously under men.

Perhaps we need to understand that we are all free to make our own decisions and live our lives/romance our romances in whatever ways we like it, be it conforming to the Bible, or to go around snogging men in public. By the way, nature does not, and has not dictated that all couples must reproduce as part of their obligation.


February 12, 2010  
Blogger nijinsky said...


I am very disturbed by your speech advocating gay rights. It's RIDICULOUS. Let's see, way back in the 10th century, was there even such a concept? I don't want bull about how people weren't smart enough and this and that. I notice that it is a sudden... trend, should I say. It has become especially prevalent. Maybe it's beacause there is a lot of wrong stuff on the Internet and people just want to know what happens; they're just interested. I really, really, really doubt that scientists said that it was a birth defect. If I said that a scientist once told me Uranium had trace nitrate elements inside it, you'd probably believe me. Just beacuse a scientist said so, doesn't make it true. Just beacuse a BUNCH of scientists said so either, anyway. Haven't we covered fraud and stuff? What about the Korean guy and all his crap about cloning? It was largely all fake.

I completely agree with Jong Xuan. How can it be considered a defect? It's bloody scandalous. Just because some people can't push down certain emotions doesn't mean anything. People have their own choices. It's the law of nature. If we want to, we can fight down what we think is wrong. If they can't they're weak and that's it.

@Ryan, as much as we are allowed to make our own choices, we should always take make wise choices. If you can't make wise choices, that's a real darn pity because you might end up gay.

So you wanted to talk about equality, right? How are they equal? We're all equal as long as we're human beings, that is, Homo Sapiens. Do you what the heck that means? It means to be a wise and sensible being in Latin. Gays or lesbians or that kind of people are considered homosexuals, that is, people who like people of their same sex. Certainly not wise or sensible. So how can they be equal?

I sincerely hope none of you here will advocate for gay rights, it's wrong.

February 17, 2010  
Anonymous Hong Woon (Hwa Chong) said...

Hey Xavier,

Wow, well thought. Erm however, I would like to comment on James Dylan's comment.

@James, well if you don't trust scientist, then who do you trust? Who are the ones doing the research? You? I don't think so. Until you can prove that there are wrong, please stop doubting here and there. Well there may be a few isolated cases of scams, but not all scientist are like that.

Anyway, back to the point, Gays are gay because of hormonal IMBALANCE. Well it is true that most boys like girls. But well, can i say that it is because we are "balance"? We can't blame them for it. Well, not that I am encouraging gays but sometimes, we just had to accept certain things. People used to believe that the Sun revolves around the Earth. But well , SCIENTIST relised that that is not the case. So stop comparing to the 10th century. Not that I am gay or anything. However, we are now in the 21st century. Who knows what will happen in the future? Perhaps gays will everntually be accepted. Perhaps not?

February 19, 2010  

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